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Open to Receive

Dear Sisters (and Brothers),

This is an invitation to an early Spring Event on Sunday, September 3rd from 10am-2pm at the Mylor Hall.

This early Spring Offering will feature a live sound journey performed by Martin McMahon and Josh McIntyre. We will create a space for us all to deepen into the parts of ourselves that need to open, that need to heal, that need to receive. All the places within that we’ve hidden from the world and from ourselves, will be gently called back into the light of day, to receive, to breathe, to BE.

This event will be mixed, so please feel free to invite any women or men you feel this work will resonate with.

As all of you who have attended my gatherings in the past will know, each is completely unique, with its own creative pulse and vision to impart. I trust the energy implicitly and know that whoever needs to be there, will be.

This event will be similar to previous events; sitting in the sacred circle, intention, cacao, and music to uplift and transport.

My attention these last few months, has been a deep (and dark at times) inward dive. This winter has required me to become disciplined with my intentions to focus on what is important to myself and my family’s well being, releasing any inner discomfort that has been experienced either internally or externally, and continue to stay on my path. Not always knowing the destination, but continuing nevertheless. A continuation of learning to anchor, ever more deeply to soul/soil.

As Spring makes her slow return ( can you see and smell the change of season incoming? Wattle blossom is my marker that Spring vibrations are incoming!). Can you tune in and notice the inanimate parts of you, once again stretch and rise themselves out of the deep sleep of winter?

It is a perfect time to sharpen focus, to clean out all that is unused and unwanted, and intentionally call in that which you wish to manifest.

Please make contact by email, or text if you would like a spot or two for this Spring Cacao Meditation.

The exchange is $50-$60, for 4 hours of deep soul communion, with sensitively crafted alchemical cacao, exquisite gifts of soundscape from our multi-instrumentalist brothers, and an opportunity to drink from the collective welling place; the heart-space/hearth-place. As human beings consciously meeting the inner world of emotion, soul and spirit, as the outer world expresses the turmoil and upheaval, that centuries of suppression of this very same heart space, has brought about.

It is time for us all to receive the gift of our own inner wisdom.

My bank details are the same as before (but here they are again)

Samantha Goodburn


184 751 640

Thankyou for reading thus far,

trusting this love and light



**I note that this day is Father’s day. Unfortunately, this was the only available time I could secure the venue.

4 June

*Fully Booked Out* Women's Winter Cacao Circle

16 October

Homeopathic Student Practitioner Clinic